Thursday 31 May 2012

So What if I Live on a Street I Can't Pronounce

Hello Everyone!

I thought I would show you my apartment! Here is a video! I hope it doesn't take too long to load! I am kicking back in Kaohsiung this weekend, so I might work on some writing to keep you in the loop!


Monday 21 May 2012

So This is What it is All About...

Note: This blog was written beginning of May. I have just found the energy to post it now… There is more I swear!

Last week was fantastic. Well not entirely fantastic. I was so busy and exhausted I really don’t remember the w’s of my daily activities…

Who? Me I guess. And a few innocent bystanders.

When? All last week.

Where? All over Kaohsiung, Taiwan

What? Hmmm I remember some of this! To start, I was waking up every morning between 5:30 and 7:30. This doesn’t sound too bad until you consider my schedule for the daily schedule for an entire week:

1. Wake up!
2. Eat breakfast.
3. Run errands (ex: pick out scooter, pick up scooter, learn how to drive said scooter, spend a considerable amount of trying to regulate my heart beat and blood pressure after driving my unnamed scooter, sign lease, go from bank machine to bank machine try and withdraw money since my card had been compromised*** I will write about this some other time.
4. Eat lunch
5. Make it to training before 1:00
6. Train with Jeffrey (Note: this is not his real name)…
7. Want to bang my head against a desk while being trained by Jeffrey
8. Refrain from banging head or any other available body part against desk while being trained by Jeffrey
9. Find time to eat and drive over to the branch that I will be teaching at before 4:40 – again, this does not sound too bad, but please read my future blog post about learning how to drive a scooter in a typhoon.
10. Observe, train, and/or lesson plan… until 10:30 pm. That is 8:30 am your time. Yes I still have the brain capacity to make this time change. Please don’t ask me to do it a week from now!
11. Go and eat supper again… This kind of work takes a lot of energy!
12. Attempt to drive and stay awake at the same time. Thank goodness there is wind in my face for the drive home…
13. Arrive home by 11:30 to crash on the hard, hard surface I called my bed.
14, 15, 16, 17... Repeat, repeat repeat.

I wish I could have joined the construction workers who had siestas around 1:00 outside of the branch where I trained every day.

There is the short answer to the “What” section of the questions.

Why? Because I am Crae Crae (A term one of the teachers teaches her students, which means crazy squared!)

It hasn’t been too bad. I was just thoroughly exhausted from last week. I am now in the new apartment and I have DARK curtains! I had to make some careful modifications so I could have a little darkness in my life!