Saturday 1 September 2012

It is time...

Here is a little list of things I have observed and learnt over the course of the last 6 weeks. But today I am saying good-bye to Mr. splint, even if it is a week early. I think it has healed as much as it can, and I don’t trust the advice of the last doctor I had, and I am thoroughly sick of it. Ooooo I feel like such a rebel sometimes!
  1. I can no longer fist pump with two hands
  2. I have a perma claw…
  3. My peace sign looks gimped. I call it the peaceful claw
  4. Purse essentials turns from lip gloss to surgical tape and liquid advil.
  5. Things are better in twos. There were a few times when I was sliding down a greasy hiking trail backwards that I would think to myself, “Hmm a second hand to grab ANYTHING could be somewhat useful at this point in time.”
  6. Front braking on a scooter is doable with a little practice. It also teaches the best head banging techniques.
  7. Being a hand-talker scares small children
  8. The perfect time to re-tape is while waiting for a meal, and it gets people even more curious.
  9. Sneezes sometimes hurt, especially when they catch you by surprise. I have learnt not to flail my hand while I sneeze.
  10. Everyone wants to look at it and touch it as if they are all doctors. I felt guilty after rudely jerking away from an actual nurse who wanted to take a look. Don’t worry I let him take a look once he showed me his credentials.
  11. I now know that feeling of disappointment most adolescent boys feel when they fail to unclasp a bra with one hand on the first try… Good thing I give myself second, third and sometimes fourth tries.
  12. I have had nightmares about family members in the medical professions scolding me for not having a bone density test done on my hand and telling me I am pretty much doomed. 
  13. Sometimes I follow my intuition. When I packed baby powder in my belongings, I had no idea what I  might use it for. After 4 days of being in the pouring rain, and my fingers being on the verge of rotting, it saved me. It really did.
  14. The splint makes it easier to make puppets with a flashlight as long as I remember how to do it. First try, epic fail and the children knew it. I got better though.
  15. This hand is a human magnet. It absolutely is! Even when walking with it against my chest through a crowd, people run into me straight on. Hmm let me rephrase: It gives me invisibility powers. That is why everyone runs into me. Silly me.

I keep posting about my hand. I know it is boring and this is the third one, but my creativity in writing is lacking these days. I think I just need to go for some long walks with my voice recorder (I replaced Teri’s Book of Random Thoughts with this handy device that records faster than I can write), or sit with a fabulous glass of wine and a book. I will post things with more substance soon!

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